
During the course of the General Plan Update, documents published as part of the process will be posted below. Documents will include the Existing Conditions Report (complete), Vision and Guiding Principles Summary (complete), Land Use Alternatives Report (complete), GPAC Draft General Plan (complete), Draft General Plan, Draft Environmental Impact Report, and Final Environmental Impact Report.

2043 General Plan Amendment and Addendum to the General Plan EIR
2043 General Plan Amendment - February 2024 (pdf)
Addendum to the General Plan EIR - Revised February 2024 (pdf)

HCD Review Draft Housing Element (March 2024)
HCD Review Draft Housing Element (pdf)

Public Review Draft Housing Element
Public Review Draft Housing Element Part 1 - Housing Plan and Background Report (pdf)
Public Review Draft Housing Element Part 2 - Appendices (pdf)
Housing Element Flyer (English)
Housing Element Flyer (Spanish)

Adoption Draft General Plan (July 2023)
Adoption Draft General Plan (pdf)
Minor Revisions to Adoption Draft General Plan (pdf)

Final Environmental Impact Report - June 2023
Final EIR Part 1 (pdf)
Final EIR Part 2 (pdf)
Final EIR Appendices Part 3 (pdf)
Minor Revisions to Final EIR (pdf)

Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (November 2022)
The Recirculated Draft EIR is provided in four volumes:

Recirculated Draft EIR - Volume I - Cover through Section 3.5 (pdf)
Recirculated Draft EIR - Volume II - Section 3.6 through Chapter 4.0 (pdf)
Recirculated Draft EIR - Volume III - Chapter 5.0 through Chapter 7.0 (pdf)
Recirculated Draft EIR - Volume IV - Appendices (pdf)

Revised Draft General Plan (November 2022)
Changes from the Public Review Draft General Plan, as published in March 2021, are shown in track changes. The Revised Draft General Plan includes the following sections, which can be downloaded and viewed individually:

- Cover, Table of Contents, and 4. Introduction (pdf)
- 2. Land Use, includes Land Use Map (pdf)
- 3. Growth Management (pdf)
- 4. Circulation, includes Streets Master Plan, Pedestrian Active Transportation Plan, and Bicycle Active Transportation Plan (pdf)
- 5. Community Design (pdf)
- 6. Economic and Fiscal Vitality (pdf)
- 7. Community Facilities and Services (pdf)
- 8. Resource Conservation (pdf)
- 9. Safety (pdf)
- 10. Housing - The Housing Element is being updated separately.
- 11. Implementation (pdf)
*Note: No changes are proposed to the adopted Housing Element, which will be included as Chapter 10.

Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) - March 2021
The Draft EIR can be downloaded in three parts - please note that each document is bookmarked for ease of navigation.

Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Chapters 1.0 through 3.8 - download (pdf)
Chapters 3.9 through 7.0 - download (pdf)
Appendices - download (pdf)
Draft EIR - Figure 5-1: Alternative A - Existing General Plan Land Use Map (pdf)
Draft EIR - Figure 5-2: Alternative B (pdf)
Draft EIR - Figure 5-3: Alternative C (pdf)

Draft General Plan (March 2021)
Public Review Draft General Plan (pdf) - please note document is bookmarked for ease of navigation

Individual Chapters
- Cover & Table of Contents (pdf)
- 1. Introduction (pdf)
- 2. Land Use, includes Land Use Map (pdf)
Draft General Plan - Figure LU-2: Draft Land Use Map (pdf)
- 3. Growth Management (pdf)
- 4. Circulation, includes Streets Master Plan, Active Transportation Plan, and Truck Route (pdf)
- 5. Community Design (pdf)
- 6. Economic and Fiscal Vitality (pdf)
- 7. Community Facilities and Services (pdf)
- 8. Resource Conservation (pdf)
- 9. Safety (pdf)
- 11. Implementation (pdf)
*Note: No changes are proposed to the Housing Element, which will be included as Chapter 10.

Environmental Impact Report Notice of Preparation: An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared to address the potential environmental impacts of the General Plan Update project. The NOP comment period ends on February 5, 2020 at 5:00 pm. For further information on how to comment on the scope of the EIR, download the NOP.

GPAC Draft General Plan (February 2019)
The GPAC Draft General Plan is the first draft of the working General Plan Update document. This draft, prepared for GPAC review, reflects input from the GPAC over a series of 13 meetings held from August 2017 through March 2019. At its final meeting on March 4, 2019, the GPAC will review the GPAC Draft General Plan and provide its final set of recommendations regarding the General Plan Update. These recommendations will be incorporated into the General Plan Update and will be included in the document that will be published for public review and comment in Summer 2019.
GPAC Draft General Plan (pdf)

GPAC Preferred Land Use Map (February 2019)
The GPAC Preferred Land Use Map reflects input and direction given by the GPAC during its review of the Land Use Map Alternatives Report (see below for a link to the report) and subsequent developed of a preferred land use plan for the City. The GPAC Preferred Land Use Map was presented to the community at a Community Open House on March 14, 2019 and is also available online for review.
GPAC Preferred Land Use Map (pdf)

Land Use Alternatives Report (November 2018)
The Land Use Alternatives Report provides the City with a resource tool to examine different possible approaches to accommodate future development, provide opportunities for economic growth, maintain fiscal sustainability, and identify lands for conservation of resources and open space.

Land Use Alternatives Report - without appendices (pdf)
Appendix A - Land Use Alternatives Report (pdf)
Appendix B - Land Use Alternatives Report (pdf)

Alternatives Maps
Alternative A - Economic Growth and Employment-Focused Development (pdf)
Alternative B - Balanced Growth (pdf)
Alternative C - Existing General Plan (pdf)

Land Use Change Requests: As part of the General Plan Update, property owners were provided an opportunity to request changes to the General Plan land use designations for their properties. All of the “Land Use Change Request Applications” received by the City are summarized in Chapter 1 of the Land Use Alternatives Report. Figure 1-1, Parcel Change Requests, of the report shows the location of each parcel subject to a change request; Table 1-1 of the report identifies the existing General Plan land use designation and the requested designation for the subject parcels.

Existing Conditions Report (October  2017)
The Existing Conditions Report (pdf - Part 1 (Chapters 1 through 3) | Part 2 (Chapters 4 and 5)| Part 3 (Chapter 6) takes a "snapshot" of Manteca's current trends and conditions as they existed at the start of the General Plan Update process. This report provides a detailed description of a wide range of topics within the city, such as demographic and economic conditions, land use, public facilities, and environmental resources. The Existing Conditions Report provides decision-makers, the public, and local agencies with context for making policy decisions. The Existing Conditions Report was updated in February 2019 to include Chapter 6, Environmental Justice.

Vision and Guiding Principles Summary (October 2017)
In the Spring of 2017, the City of Manteca hosted three visioning workshops to understand the community's vision for the future of Manteca.  The feedback we received at these workshops has been summarized in the Vision and Guiding Principles Summary Report (pdf).  The Summary Report includes appendices with the results of each community participation activity at the Visioning Workshops, including comments provided by individuals and small groups, copies of maps prepared by small groups, and photos of activities.